Author Archives: (zoe)
When Bad Hacks Happen to Good Insurance People
We all read about the terrible hacks that happen to big corporations, or large insurance companies. Unfortunately, many of us are lulled into a false sense of security that those sort of security failures would never happen to us. This is far from the case. Even good insurance people face times when their systems were […]
Under Attack: When Bad Hacks Happen to Good Advisors
Colossal computer hacks don’t just happen to big companies with huge data banks with information “worth” accessing. They happen to you and me, to individuals and enterprises alike. Even the best insurance advisors encounter cyber attacks, and they can be injurious to both their professional and personal lives. So, what do you do? The process […]
You Probably Can’t ‘Prevent’ Cyberattacks
Is your bank struggling to create a cybersecurity plan thorough enough to meet all of your needs? Every bank is unique, and no off-the-shelf, one-size-fits-all solution will completely solve your cybersecurity woes. Luckily, by taking a moment to evaluate your bank’s business and pain points, you can set up the right controls that will preemptively […]
Mitigating Cyber Risks With the Right Security Controls
Understanding that no organization can fully protect themselves from cyberattack is the first step to better protecting yourself and your business. Through a careful evaluation of both your enterprise’s current cybersecurity weak spots and your risk appetite, you can implement the right security controls to mitigate the risk of an attack. To learn more, read […]
The 3 Biggest Mistakes in Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity seems to be an elusive concept for many businesses, big and small. They’ve tried countless solutions and strategic security plans, often without much success. This can be a frustrating process, but you can break the cycle! By taking the time to understand what difficulties you might encounter, you can proactively set up controls that […]