Category Archives: Trending Now

Commentary and advice on technology and interactive trends, and their potential impact to your business

The joy of being ignorant!

On March 12, Mr. Caleb Garling posted on WIRED an article titled “Study Says Most IT Guys Are Ignorant” followed by the opening line:  “Why can’t the IT guy fix your latest problem?  Odds are he’s ignorant.”  All this, according to Mr. Garling, based on CompTIA’s report of over 500 U.S. business and IT Managers. […]

Heavy Clouds But No Rain

I was torn about the title of this entry.  Should it be Sting’s “Heavy Clouds But No Rain” or should it be Peter Allen’s and Carole Bayer Sager’s “Everything Old Is New Again?”  I settled on the former.  But either would work, as we’ll see! The New York Times published no less than three very […]


That and “grok” are two of Robert A. Heinlein’s many contributions into the modern lexicon. The first, an acronym for “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch.” The second, grok, means to understand something completely, entirely. Which brings us to a question: What do the media industry and (some) consumers not grok about […]